The SV-XPNDR-261 is a Class 1 Mode S transponder module made for the SkyView System, with control and annunciation appearing on the SkyView Display. The SV-XPNDR-261 transponder features TIS Traffic (USA only) and meets the requirements for flights above 15,000 feet and greater than 175 knots. It comes with a quick release mounting system that can be installed anywhere in the airplane that is convenient. At only 1 pound and 5.6" by 1.8" by 2.4", the transponder module can fit into the tiniest places. The SV-XPNDR-261 has a nominal output of 250W, and it meets USA and Europe ADS-B Out mandates: Note, full ADS-B Out compliance requires a TSO-C146A GPS (WAAS) to be connected. Includes 3-year Dynon Warranty.
Note: Antenna not included, see SkyView Installation Manual for recommendations.
The SV-XPNDR-261 is a Class 1 transponder that can be used above those limitations. For US aircraft, the FAA 2020 ADS-B Out mandate requires a Class 1 transponder, so for US aircraft, the SV-XPNDR-261 should be installed.
Integrated: Made for the SkyView System with control and annunciation appearing on the SkyView Display. The transponder module can be mounted anywhere in the airplane that is convenient.
Traffic: Features TIS Traffic (USA).
Mounting: At only 1 pound and 5.6" by 1.8" by 2.4", the transponder module can fit into the tiniest places and aircraft. A quick release mounting system allows for simple installation and easy removal if needed for service.
- Connections: The SV-XPNDR-26X connects to a serial data line on each SkyView Display.
- Mechanical Dimensions: The display mechanical drawings can be downloaded here:
- SV-XPNDR-26X Mechanical Drawing
- TNC Connector: The TNC connector is not supplied by Dynon. Specification: Dual Crimp RG142-400 AMP Male.