Please be aware that international shipments may be charged duty or customs by the receiving country. These costs are solely the responsibility of the customer. In addition, there will be higher freight charges for deliveries to international addresses. Shipping charges vary depending upon country and weight and shipping charges cannot be determined until we process your order.


For security reasons to help prevent fraud we ask that you complete a Credit Card Authorization Form. Please click on one of the links below and either fax or email the completed form back to us, along with a copy of your passport or driver's license and both sides of the credit card.

Credit Card Authorization Form

Forma de Autorizacion de Tarjeta de Credito

Please fax this information to Pacific Coast Avionics at 503-678-6292. Or email to

Thank you for your order.


Bank transfers will be accepted by Pacific Coast Avionics as a method of payment. If you elect to send funds electronically to Pacific Coast Avionics, please add $20 to offset bank fees. For bank information, please email

When making an electronic payment through a bank, please email a copy of the transfer confirmation to Pacific Coast Avionics at, or fax a copy of the bank transfer confirmation to 503-678-6292. Remember to state the order number for our reference. There will sometimes be a delay of 3-5 days before funds are received in our bank. Upon confirmation of the proper receipt of funds, shipment will be made.