The Gleim FAR/AIM simplifies and facilitates your understanding of the complex rules governing aviation. The bigger and darker font, well-placed indentations, two-column formatting, and careful spacing are designed to make it easier to read, learn, and understand. A comprehensive FAR index in the front of the book and an AIM index at the back make it easier to find pertinent portions of the FARs and/or AIM than do government indexes.
Access a digital version of the Gleim FAR/AIM here.
FAR Content Changes since May 2020
FAR Index
Part 1: Definitions and abbreviations
Part 23: Airworthiness standards: Normal category airplanes
Part 43: Maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration
Part 48: Registration and marking requirements for small unmanned aircraft
Part 61: Certification: Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors
Part 67: Medical standards and certification
Part 68: Requirements for operating certain small aircraft without a medical certificate
Part 71: Designation of Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace areas; air traffic service routes; and reporting points
Part 73: Special use airspace
Part 91: General operating and flight rules
Part 97: Standard instrument procedures
Part 99: Security control of air traffic
Part 103: Ultralight vehicles
Part 105: Parachute operations
Part 107: Small unmanned aircraft systems
Part 110: General requirements
Part 117: Flight and duty limitations and rest requirements: Flightcrew members
Part 119: Certification: Air carriers and commercial operators
Part 120: Drug and alcohol testing program
Part 121: Operating requirements: Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations (online access, not printed in book)
Part 133: Rotorcraft external-load operations
Part 135: Operating requirements: Commuter and on demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft
Part 136: Commercial air tours and national parks air tour management
Part 137: Agricultural aircraft operations
Part 141: Pilot schools
Part 142: Training centers
Title 49: NTSB Part 830
Title 49: Part 1540: Civil aviation security: General rules
Title 49: Part 1550: Aircraft security under general operating and flight rules
Title 49: Part 1552: Flight schools
Title 49: Part 1562: Operations in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area
AIM Changes since May 2020
AIM Detailed Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Air navigation
Chapter 2: Aeronautical lighting and other airport visual aids
Chapter 3: Airspace
Chapter 4: Air traffic control
Chapter 5: Air traffic procedures
Chapter 6: Emergency procedures
Chapter 7: Safety of flight
Chapter 8: Medical facts for pilots
Chapter 9: Aeronautical charts and related publications
Chapter 10: Helicopter operations
Pilot/Controller Glossary
AIM Index
NASA Form 277
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