EDM-350 Engine Monitor for Experimental Aircraft
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EDM-350 Engine Monitor for Experimental Aircraft
The compact Engine Data Management 350 system (3.5″ square) is a very advanced and accurate 4-cylinder piston experimental engine-monitoring instrument. You can order the basic model with options, or go with the full-feature that also includes Amps, Fuel Pressure & Fuel Quantity as options. The EDM 350 is not just another black box along for the ride. It is a Flight Engineer, Maintenance Manager, and Backup Instrument, whose compact size can easily fit in your panel.
The compact Engine Data Management 350 system (3.5″ square) is a very advanced and accurate 6-cylinder piston experimental engine-monitoring instrument. You can order the basic model with options, or go with the full-feature that also includes Amps, Fuel Pressure & Fuel Quantity as options. The EDM 350 is not just another black box along for the ride. It is a Flight Engineer, Maintenance Manager, and Backup Instrument, whose compact size can easily fit in your panel.
- Improved engine efficiency
- Reduced maintenance costs
- Greater fuel economy
- Reduced operating costs
- Smoother engine operation
- Proper engine temperatures
- Longer spark plug life
- Reduced engine vibration
- 3 year Warranty
- Selectable Positions for Linear gauges
- EGT 4 or 6 probes
- CHT 4 or 6 probes
- Volts
- Shock cooling
- LOP/ROP JPI Exclusive Leaning Mode
- Fuel Flow (USED, Remaining, GPH
- Endurance, GPS destination)
- Oil Temperature
- Oil Pressure
- %HP (Requires: OAT, RPM, MAP, & FF )
- Power connector
- All required Harness
- EZTrends
- Data recording-100 hrs. Download USB
- 1 GB memory stick
- Selectable Positions for Linear gauges
- 3 year Warranty
- Optional functions
- CARB Temperature
- L-R Main - Fuel Quantity, L/R Main
- V-2 - Second Volts
- Amp-2 - Second Amps
- % HP - Requires FF, OAT, and RPM
- Fuel Flow - Fuel Flow includes:
- GPH - Gallons per hour
- REQ - Fuel Required
- USD - Fuel Used
- H:M - Endurance Hours and Minutes
- MPG - Miles per gallons