The primary purpose of Commercial Pilot FAA Knowledge Test is to provide you with the easiest, fastest, and least expensive means of passing the FAA Commercial Pilot - Airplane (CAX) knowledge test, which is required before you take your commercial pilot practical test.
Additionally, this book can be used in preparation for the FAA Military Competency - Airplane (MCA) knowledge test. This test is required if you are applying to obtain an FAA commercial pilot certificate based on current or past military pilot experience within the past 12 months.
Product Features:
We change the FAA knowledge (written) test process from a memorization marathon to a learning opportunity and experience. You get higher test scores in less study time. Seven of the major differences between our Commercial Pilot FAA Knowledge Test book and most other available books are
- Only airplane-related questions and study materials are included.
- Comprehensive explanations of each question's correct and incorrect answer choices are provided.
- Answer explanations are NEXT to each question, NOT at the back of the book.
- All FAA test questions are reorganized into logical topics (FARs, weather, navigation, etc.).
- We provide outlines explaining the concepts tested at the beginning of each study unit so you can study and learn the material before you answer and study the test questions.
- A detailed index assists you in finding topics and questions you wish to study.
- We provide practice tests using the FAA's mix of question topics.