Master GPS from your desktop! Learn to use the KLN 89B, KLN 94, GNS 430, GNS 530, GX 50/60, and GPSMAP 295 from your computer. PC and Mac compatible.
GPS Trainer includes a complete orientation on the GPS receivers: what each knob and button does, what information can be gleaned from each screen, how the GPS "pages" work together, etc.
The tutorial is organized into 5 sections to reflect each phase of flight: theory, preflight, enroute, terminal, and approach. All the navigation tasks are covered, including data entry, flight plans, nearest and direct-to operations, IFR departures and arrivals, GPS and overlay approaches, and more! The program features an intuitive program interface, animations, movie clips, original diagrams and figures to support the textual descriptions. Emulators are an intricate part of the tutorial, providing for interactivity and hands-on experience for each task. Read the focused step-by-step instructions for a task, watch a movie clip of the instructor performing the task, then practice it yourself, using the built-in emulators.
The manufacturers' operating manuals and simulators are included on the CD for the GNS 430, GNS 530, KLN 89B, and GX 50/60 (manufacturer's simulators not available or included for the GPSMAP 295 and KLN 94), along with FAA documents pertinent to GPS operations. GPS Trainer is a tutorial that picks up where these materials leave off and focuses on the tasks GPS can perform.
PC System Requirements: Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP Pentium 166Mhz or faster processor 800x600 SVGA video adapter and monitor CD-ROM drive (4x or faster)
Macintosh System Requirements: PowerPC or higher processor Mac 0S Version 8.5, 8.6, 9.0.4, or 9.1 800x600 SVGA video adapter and monitor CD-ROM drive (4x or faster)